Wednesday, August 17, 2011


For the rest of this semester I will be detailing some of the more interesting artwork found around campus. The first piece is that strange bronze man with the red hat. One of my professors called it the menstruating ironworker this evening. Let me know if you have some favorites and I will post them here!


  1. Your post reminded me of a little write about the sculptor I did last spring. Rather than post it as a comment I made it into a blog post of my own,

  2. Things not even one-of-a-kind, check it out

  3. Oh it gets worse, his name is "Hunky" and he was already rejected by Pittsburgh and Buffalo before being dumped on UMB.

  4. Once I was carpooling with a friend and we were talking about the artwork on campus. I was talking about how much I love the alligators by the Clark center (they remind me of Peter Pan). She chimed in by telling me how she didn't "get" the coyote statues in the circle at the Campus Center entrance. I scratched my head out how this one made it to college, then explained to her that they're not art, they're there to scare away the geese.
