Sunday, July 24, 2011

School Mascot

Matt gave me an interesting idea for this post. Does UMB have a mascot? Well after some research I have discovered that we are Beacons. There were a few different images I discovered. The first was a light house looking image and the second appeared to be a fighting fisherman of sorts. To add to the confusion I found a picture of someone dressed as the mascot, and this individual looked like a can.

Does anyone have any more insight?


  1. Our mascot is the beacon. I think it's supposed to be a lighthouse, which is what this can-looking individual is dressed as. I've never gone to a UMB sporting event, so this photo was the first official glimpse I've ever gotten of it! Also, did you know there's a 16-foot solar powered lighthouse on campus? What other college has a solar powered mascot?

  2. Well there is that sorta mini golf looking lighthouse over by the athletic complex, you know those wooden stairs over concrete you have to walk up when you park in the D lot? I think we should make the fiberglass alligator sculpture our mascot, that is one scary piece of art!

  3. Yeah, our mascot is the tiny little statue by Clark. Which is kind of pathetic when you think about how big all the other art on campus seems to make it pale in comparison and that half our students don't know what our mascot is.

  4. Good point! I'm surprised you don't already have more posts here, though.

  5. My memory may not be right. I think the Image above was the first one they got in 2007 when I graduated. It cost $800 and looked like it was made at an arts and crafts camp. It was ridiculed and they got the current light house one. I think they were trying to go cheap to look like they went spending our money frivolously. It didn't work. More interesting was when we had a football team and the student body voted to pave over the field for a parking lot. Its where the current Campus Center is.
